sign here (YESNO to be continued)
YES and NO as a gesture and anti-gesture at the same time that are meeting each other
and communicating with each other.
YES includes NO and NO includes YES. At a certain point, they meet to create a whole unit.
The signature as a denial of signature. Signature as a challenge to another signature.
Elements of accidental (anti)gestures. A gesture as a way out of this madness.
A gesture is a way out of this madness. A gesture must represent freedom.
YES has to not-/lose NO and NO has to not-/lose YES.

Site-specific installation, sprayed canvases in space, unwanted canvases of previous students found in the storage room, appropriated and sprayed over, rolled paper sprayed over
Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia

Site-specific installation, research into the topic of YESNO, ink, typewritten, marker and spray drawings,
cut and typewritten canvases, tape, found cup, matrix, torn maps
Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia