
Vita activa and vita contemplativa, are two elements that define the human condition, according to Hannah Arendt.
The result should be equality and harmony between contemplation, inactivity, reflection, and activity, work, and action.
The two aforementioned concepts are abbreviated into the letters A and C and create a final installation.
Additionally, the installation is based on Arendt’s life story as an émigré, a refugee, and a stateless person.

For the installation in Presov, I decided to use various waste materials I found in the basement of the gallery space.
Here, I have found many cottons which I installed right next to the objects I brought with me to the gallery space. These
were previously collected and installed in Salzburg. The deer’s horn broke when transporting the artwork from Salzburg
to Prague and so, I decided to reinstall it here like it is. Objects from Salzburg, the cottons found in the underground
and a broken deer together create the interconnected network that tells a story of Hannah Arendt herself.

Drawings on papers and a gallery wall, a stripe of paper, a book Vita Activa by Hannah Arendt, a bowl (found object),
pieces of torn paper, twigs, wires, a broken sculpture of a deer with wires and wood, wool (found in the underground of the gallery), old plant

Krajska Galeria v Presove, Presov, Slovakia, 2024

Wall: drawings on paper, a paper strip in a bowl (found object),
Table: wood, paper rolls, wires, stones, sugar cube, coffee drips on paper, old plant
Left side of the table: sculpture of a deer with wires and wood (found object)
Right side of the table: wooden construction with paper

Fortress Hohensalzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2023