post-absurdum, 2023
Klara Kusa’s solo exhibition post-absurdum stands as a kind of register of the appearances of various modes of things in different stages of their visibility. They emerge from the indistinct space between the idea of a library or an archive and are generated not only in the artist’s mind, but also in the interpretative experience of perceptive viewers. This creates a performative situation built on the artist’s hybrid strategies of conceptual art and photography. The intervention is of both images and objects, the latter composed of former books and their spines, which are reflections of their origin and content. We enter the “encapsulated” intimate space of the gallery with the artist, who understands public artistic expression as a repetition of the ritual of appropriation with the potential to transform both the appropriating and the appropriated at the same time. Repetition is possible ad absurdum, i.e., to the point of reaching the threshold of the absurd, the incongruous, the deranged, the edge, the unfathomable, the lost, etc. The prefix post- (as usual) subtly changes the meaning of the original term and refers to a setting in which the meaning of the word has passed away or is no longer relevant or valid. Paradox is embedded in Klara Kusa’s way of thinking, full of doubts, inconclusiveness and even trepidation. This is illustrated by her interest in the many forms of emptiness, nothingness or something without designation and meaning, for example in her ruins of books qua post-absurd organisms of the post-world.
Lucia G. Stach

Site-specific Installation, ink and marker drawings, appropriated materials including maps, photographs and torn pages from books, spines from books, book covers, wood, stones
Flatgallery, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2023
post-absurdum, 2023
Post absurdum reinstalled in another space, the site specificity of the exhibit requiring the use of another set of materials every time,
so that the message behind the installation remains the same despite the changes.

Site-specific Installation, scans of book spines printed on fine art paper, marker drawings, photographs and torn pages from books
Galerie Fakulty umeni (GAFU), Ostrava, Czech republic, 2023